Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ok i found it its www.mybubblegum.blogspot.com :))))

Posted by hmmm.. at 10:54 PM

Fifi wheres your blog???!?!?!?!?!!? :((((

Posted by hmmm.. at 7:17 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ok a few things to update..

1stly, i lost to some national team guy in the first round of Pesta Sukan..-.- zz wtf man.. im gonna kill him the nxt time.

SMA was quite nonsense too. Apparently the organiser sux and the whole event dragged on for 3 hrs more wtf. And im quite sure those pinoys there are really actually shaolin monks who wanna win some money to donate to shaolin temple.. i mean.. they can fly...? and they are botak

Celebrated Fifi's Bday!! yay!! but in sch tho.. she went for some community service club camp-.- haiz.. but im happy nevertheless:) Finally gave her a ring, hope she still likes it like she did i tt magazine a loooooonnnngggg time ago..

Went for karate camp, been planning it for some time.. Fifi wasnt there haiz.. her camp lasts 4 days.. walao.. but she seems to be having fun, somehow i feel happy n not so happy at the same time.. dunno abt the latter.. maybe its cos i want to be with her :(

the 1st day was quite ok, nt much taking charge cos it was normal training with sensei around..

except for the night walk.. the juniors didnt take their own clues n the whole thing screwed up abit.. went to slp at 2.30am, sooo tired la.. slept on the cold hard floor with my bag as a pillow cos lent fifi my slping bag.

Well at least she din haf to go thru tt painful shit:) but i slept like a log tho, jus too tired la.. some ppl were having a party but tt didnt affect me somehow woot

2nd day's games were so dam fun haha!! of cos la, WE came up with it wooot^^ loved screwing with their minds heh heh.. din expect it to be so fun tho.. realised tt the juniors are actually quite leader-ful when the situation demands for it.

glad to see that haha, even the quiet ones.. hopethey can like take over us nxt year n make ME less stressed. well its only me, i don rlly care whether the 2 of u are still in charge hahahahhaha jus kidding~~ but some of them really impressed me lol

saw Fifi in the morning..she looked so sleeeepy.. n cute:))) maybe i just miss her..
how nice if she was in this camp tt i helped to organize haiz.. really wanna see her trying her best at sth again.. saw it once n it really stole my heart.. maybe she did in her camp, maybe i missed it :( haiz..

gg home was hell.. may leg was swollen n there wasnt any taxi for like 1hr-.- wth sia..
Fifi is down with flu.. see la, play until so late somemore, make me jealous only.. heeheehaahaa when im like AaAAaAaA(zombie sound*)... hope i can be with her the nxt time.. or the other way round.. k im gonna faint, time to go ekfhailfhalfbsakl

Posted by hmmm.. at 6:34 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008

tournament again

tmr is tournament day again.. n so is the day after.. hope i don get injured tmr-.- jus hope to at least beat some crap out of those ppl there before losing.. maybe winning:) woohoo im so dam excited now!!sgmd;gndsk;gad. hope i improved from last time.

Fifi most probably wont be there haiz..

maybe the guys would drop by after soccer lol, better don paiseh myself woot!!!

guess i better slp early gd nite

Posted by hmmm.. at 7:22 AM