Sunday, August 31, 2008

without you

haiz.. hope i can get to see her tmr.. gotta see her soon cos im addicted.. well the probabillity of getting to see her decreases with each day next week as im gonna be so dam busy with camp n competition stuff-.-


haiz.. haven seen her in two days.. had a brief taste of wat life was like before meeting her... if u're wondering how it was den i can jus say tt it sux... i felt like a zombie then.. whose only purpose in life is to find a purpose in life..

ok fine, at least i had good friends so i shouldnt complain anymore n somehow this type of sign off is getting infectious, peace all n have a nice day-.-


Posted by hmmm.. at 7:16 AM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

sunflower sunflower, i hope she likes the little sunflower(^_^)

Posted by hmmm.. at 9:43 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

cockroach demon..

stupid cockroach made me fall so hard on the cold and icy floor-.-

1st time i had so much trouble killing 1 stupid cockroach.............

maybe its a demon. tts rite it mus be a demon.. i shall gif it a name, Cockakra.

dammm/... i still won u bitch hahahhaha woot..

u lost too bad *bleh

it was a fair fight don say i was bullying the winner is the one tt stands up again woooot

ok this is childish, im gg crazy from all this studying-.-


Posted by hmmm.. at 9:30 AM

my mind is quite messed up... somehow.. i really dont wish to quarrel ever again.. the look on her face when shes angry, the panting when she shouts, the warmth that disappears.. i don wanna experience all tt again.. tho we miss the fireworks again, we could always catch it again, right??

maybe its just me.. wats the four letter word.. wats tt msg.. omg i being paranoid, haiz.. well i should trust her at least..

Posted by hmmm.. at 9:07 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

maybe i should do this

rbfshdjdbdshdfbdgjfyjdbaehetkgu,lhjairtyja ry arg kdjrgb kqe etkyjtgkuy htyshf a trjrthshet jryj





Posted by hmmm.. at 10:27 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

fifi!! call me back!! haiz.. haven seen or talk with u for ONE day alrd.. haiz.. feels like im on drugs.. n my insomnia is back dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. my fmaily is retarded, think they are jus plain inconsiderate.. either that or they jus haf no brains.. F-starstarstar(F***)

Posted by hmmm.. at 6:57 AM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to kill a zombie

sim turned into a zombie today.. i had to kill him.. he went to buy a drink and nvr came back.. must be the T.virus.. he looks like The Joker from Batman. and so i killed him, with a dustbin and a book wooot!!~~ so remember kids, thats how u kill a zombie.. just put a dustbin over his head and hit it with a book haha..

anyway din noe why mary-anne wanted to film from such a retarded movie lols.. it was fun though acting with sim.. i did most of the acting tho.. no wonder he wanted to be the zombie-.- most difficult part would be the acting scared part. lol


Posted by hmmm.. at 7:30 AM


ARRGGGGHHHHH projects are killing me.. n its draining me of my sleep. plus some retarded classmates in my life.. haiz.. i'll kill the next person who pisses me off


Posted by hmmm.. at 4:49 AM

Saturday, August 2, 2008

break up..

It eventually led to this stage again.. this time i noe she has rlly given up.. i tried so hard, i don wanna give up.. but.. this is inevitable.. i noe.. maybe one day she wil understand.. either way, i will continue to live my life well.. hope she lives hers well too.. hopefully time can heal the scars..

guess its just me and my instruments once again.. just like old times.. yeah.. maybe i'll write a song.. just like cs.. and somehow my voice is back again.. lost it during sparring sometime ago..

even if you dont want me to, i will not give up..

cos you just mean so much to me..
if you find someone else who is truly meant for you
i will also be happy for you
its enough to see that you're happy
even if im not the reason why you smile

and if you ever have no one to turn to, i'll be nearby..
just look around and you'll find me there..
you once told me that you believed each of us has a guardian angel..

i'll be yours..

ok now the 'get rich' part of my ambition is meaningless.. so im gonna be a sportsman or a musician woot.. hopefully she will also be happy for me..

I wont forget~ the way you're kissing.. the feelings so strong..


Posted by hmmm.. at 9:22 AM

Friday, August 1, 2008

hung up

Fifi is getting harder to get along with nowadays.. she expects more and more and she justs hung up on me.. well i could keep up with the expectations part.. been prepared for it since tt day.. but the hanging up on me part when im trying to sort things out is just too... arrrgghhhh!!! making me so damn pissed off now.. i mean tts like simply denying all my efforts.. i dunno how a call of concern can turn out like this..

but i just cant bear to scold her much.. maybe just tell her off a liiiittttllleee biiiittt.. just sent her a msg.. alrd regret sending it tho-.- im such a wuss haiz.. sometimes i hate myself for being like tt.. well what can i do, im in love with her=.=

i know shes prideful, she values her pride alot, and i cant just say sorry blindly anymore.. it doesnt work anymore jus by putting down my own pride.. well my pride dont mean much compared to having her by my side but if shes not willing to understand, i rlly feel like shiet, like a fool, like an idiot..

wonder what is she so angry about.. even if i made misttakes, isnt it good enough to realize and change-.- i jus don understand this part.. well nowadays i don know wheni can joke and when i cant.. sometimes the joke becomes real, and the pranks are getting more frequent.. sometimes i dunno which is which..and i dunno if she will be happy to see my surprises anymore..

shiet man im supposed to be studying for psycho test tmr... fifi always causes my heart to be in turmoil..tts bad but somehow good in a way.. at least its not empty.. i guess..

sometimes i do get tired.. but i cannot show it.. i dont want her to see it, i dont want this love to end.. ever.. shes the one who is tired, i cant be.. only 1 person is allowed to be 'tired'. i rather she be allowed to show tt but..

sometimes i feel it too.. but im not willing to give up, i wont give up..even if i need to rest.. i still wont.. give up i mean.. love is wat u make out for urself i guess.. i don think theres a trouble free relationship anywhere.. rite?

haiz.. just rmbed sim's advice from sometime ago.. i realized im so naive in my thinking then.. now i know.. that, is part of loving someone too.. even if its hard not to at tt time..


Posted by hmmm.. at 9:07 AM