Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mope to the Morrow

Mope to the Morrow.. stole this phrase from my bro, don noe wat it means exactly, but it should be sth to do with emoing.. and i seriously don't understand anything.. and i don't know wth is this pissed off feeling that im feeling..

Mope to the Morrow
Seeping to the Marrow
Till it ends my Sorrow
And leave me in the Furrow


Posted by hmmm.. at 7:23 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

'thank you'

Is it really so hard to say a word of thanks.. a gesture of appreciation.. sometimes i jus want to feel appreciated.. cheh* watever.. that only happens when im dreaming..

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Posted by hmmm.. at 7:36 AM

Friday, May 23, 2008


ok this is bad.. i feel bad.. should haf made sure.. cant rlly blame them for not bringing n forgetting n ponning sch and all.. miscalculated and all.. haiz.. i tried my best.. but i still feel bad..


Posted by hmmm.. at 1:12 AM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

curse of insomnia

Night after night, you shall pain
as the dark holds you in disdain
The light brands you taint
never will you reclaim
the Rest, that I.. contain

This is scary... i dreamt that i killed myself.. and it seems so real..


Posted by hmmm.. at 11:04 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

shes mad

Shes mad. ur mad. im mad. and im sick. zzz

Posted by hmmm.. at 3:29 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Dark Tournament

It was a 'dark' tournament... figuratively and literally.. there were like 100000000(exaggerated) indians in the tournament and they made up 90% of the participants there. even the referees and some guest-of-honour guy were indian. its like the land where the stadium is built is India and not Malaysia...i have nth against tt but the worst thing is that THEY ARE SO F***ING BIASED!!

ok so everyone who won were indians.. n they were so obviously biased that their own ppl were commenting and complaining abt it..

but it was quite funny tho, seeing how they fight. and how we responded to the biasedness of the referees. ok 1stly, they literally SCREAM when they throw a punch or a kick and go like 'AIIIEEEEEEE'. everyone of them. haha. and we were trying to knock them out cos they referee didnt want to gif us the points when we scored.

almost everyone turned into some violent bastard and started trying to kill them. it was super funny lol. well, at least i won the first round. cheap win but still a win :)

Posted by hmmm.. at 10:43 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


phew.. im tired.. so dam tired.. feels like it takes all my energy just to breathe.. don feel like i have the strength to do anything anymore.. why do i do, things that i do anyway.. maybe its a curse, maybe its a burden.. i don't know.. for now, just let me sleep...........

ok tts enuf of emoing.

but im rlly tired n i still have some APEL shit to do. wtf mode. u don tell someone u haf to finish sth tmr the day b4. ****.

came back home n went back to school again for... haiz.. better don say la.. but it was a wasted trip zzz.. nvm. n stupid bro took the bike out..

felt fucked up the whole day in school dunno wat the teachers r teaching abt.. cant even concentrate.. again, im tired..

changsong's blog's new post was cool though. made me laugh even though im soooo tired.. dunno how he think of things like this to post sia..

haiz.. think tts all i can think of now.. nobody's walking with me tmr, sian.. SIAN..
just hope the tiredness doesnt follow me to training tmr, or i'll be killed.. lol

oh wtf!!! what the fuck!!!!!! stupid fucker jus scolded me for putting the bicycle lock chain on the bike!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! jus when i tot tt i would end the post and that the day was bad enough.. jus take the chain off if u don wan it on la! is tt so difficult to do???? give me one whole lecture for wat la. cb. i seriously will kill him one day. FUCK. the world is fucked up.

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Posted by hmmm.. at 6:08 AM