Tuesday, April 29, 2008

why is the world so twisted

the world is twisted.. i jus witnessed a road rage incident. Again. Tt makes it 2 times this year, and this time it happened right after i felt tt the world is a more beautiful after a refreshing siesta. It further degrades my biased opinion of 'mats'

ok, this is what happened. this ah pek was riding his bike across the road('jay' biking), this apparently nearly caused a motorbike with 2 'mats' on it(1skinny 1 FAT) to collide into him. after that, the ah pek sort of scolded sth to the two 'mats'(stupid old fool) and the 'mats' retorted.

Then, they got off their bike and walked in a gangsterly manner towards the ah pek and his bicycle. the ah pek is really a fool im telling u. Not only does he not say sorry to them, he even went to provoke them further. And tts how they got beaten up by the 2 'mats'. the fat one gave him some 'big boot from hell'(some lame move in WWE which is a retarded rip off of a front kick). and the skinny one jus bombard him with some random punches. oh ya, they kick his bike down 1st.. i wanted to help the ah pek at 1st, but, seeing how retarded he is for not using his brain, i decided to take my time to approach them.

Apparently, the 2 'mats' saw that ppl were watching and they actually turned to stare at me..wtf, i tot i was the nxt target la. but heng, they quickly get on their bike and scooted off. And i mean heng for them:) haha n don call me ah beng.

oh and u noe wats the retarded thing abt this whole thing? its cos of the 2 stupid 'mats' speeding on their low class motorbike. wan to speed den don get angry if u NEARLY die la.. they r 'mats' indeed.. tts all i can say..

And today, i realized that persuading someone is a suuuupppppppeeeeeerrrrrr difficult thing to do..


Posted by hmmm.. at 7:54 AM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

not made for this

lol.. im seriously not made for blogging.. too lazy to post.. guess i'll jus sum up this 2 weeks in a few... lines? k, 1stly, i quit my job and went to Bintan with changsong,yuxiang,weichoy and hongshan. had lots of fun there and they actually wanted to compete who can spend more time in the toilet bathing for a longer time.. which me and cs passed on. the food there was Godlike! but its expensive tho. everyone got sunburned except for cs. says hes immune to it or sth. bought some cheap branded clothes from the factory outlet at the ferry terminal, think i spent too much though.

ok, the rest is quite random. school started and i have no enthusiasm to go back to school. been playing the piano like some drug addiction. ok fast foward.

went for karate competition. had to wake up at 6 and somehow i managed to persuade fiona to go as well. i was beaten in the 1st round again tho.. haiz... im a noob la dam.. and the worst thing is tt my toe joint was sprained badly which caused me to be unable to fight in the team sparring.. on top of the tendon injury in my left thigh caused by over stretching..zzz. won a silver medal for being a reserve in the team sparring tho:) cheap la i noe.. but hua sheng was rlllllyyy OWNAGE today la. though he lost his 1st match to Benjamin, he won the rest and won four medals all together. He even beat the 'GOD' which is the overall captian of Hayashi-Ha(i think), Azure. gogo quite-new-Captain lol. and, are'nt u glad tt i convinced u to go, cos u won 2 medals by default and the participation fee is free. hahaha


Posted by hmmm.. at 6:34 AM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

-another emo post-

SLTC camp was quite sian.. had no enthusiasm throughout.. saw cheryl there, had quite alot of lectures on.. forgot wat its abt. the movie was nice though. its 'the gridiron gang' starring 'the rock'. went sentosa on day 2 which is today n saw germaine there with ivan and their frens. was expecting to see vivian next and complete the eerie coincidence but it didnt happen. did some amazing race thing at sentosa and the camp ended at 9+. oh and dance studio is not made for slping. its too damn cold..

came back n hoped for 'sth good' but apparently, it sux.. this sux.. guess dreams are meant for slping... but sometimes i cant even slp..


Posted by hmmm.. at 11:53 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008


hai.. felt super sian today dunno why.. couldnt get to slp last night cos of my stupid brother watching soccer and not wanting to lower the volume.. kept me awake until 2 a.m la wtf.. was planning to slp early somemore. Nearly wanted to kill him la, attitude problem bastard.

ok, so i woke up at 10, wanted to slp somemore but couldnt.. went to watch 'be kind, rewind' with changsong,yu xiang, small jon, hongshan and BRYAN!! cant believe he actually came out of his house. the movie was super funny, laughed througout. Jack Black and the other guy reminds me of bryan and yu xiang haha.

Decided to take bus 14 back to bedok when hua sheng called and asked me to go for some student leader camp or sth tmr.. sian.. was feeling super tired today.. told me to ask agnes and fiona if they can go as well, but they din reply.. so told hua sheng and zongli to try and call them themselves, cos im jus gonna go to slp early


Posted by hmmm.. at 6:19 AM

Sunday, April 6, 2008

wow i have a blog..

Ok wow i have a blog.. dunno who will actually visit though. Anyway thx Fiona for making this blog for me :) really appreciate it, will try to update as often as i can haha. Still dunno alot of things on how to customize a blog etc, just w8 for u to teach me on wed i guess. And to yx, cs, small jon, hs, sim, wc or whoever, DON'T call me ah beng, especially here lol.

And now, for the very 1st entry. woke up super early today, dunno why.. realized that my mom and dad were in a super bad mood n decided to get out of the house ASAP. Changsong told me tt hes no longer sick so went with him and small jon to chill at TM.. again.. and as usual this ended with us, going over to yx hse to do nonsense stuff. got thrashed by the kingdom hearts 2 coliseum monsters, got thrashed by small jon in Fifa, thrashed by yx on the piano.. teach me the rest of Fur Elise u selfish bastard. b4 i noticed anything, it was 7pm.. decided to go home as it was getting quite late n quite sian.. while waiting for the bus, i just tossed my empty drink into the dustbin from quite far away as i was lazy to walk to it and it actually went in!!(was expecting it to miss) cs, small jon and me started burting out of laughter when we saw this, dunno wat made it so funny though.. ok tts all for my day, hope its not too boring or watever to whoever reads this


Posted by hmmm.. at 5:09 AM

Saturday, April 5, 2008

tis is fab n credit goes t FIONA.thank u i owe u 1!! :]

Posted by hmmm.. at 10:13 PM